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On this page are audio and video recordings of programs by the Collegium, Dr. Cross, and Wagner students.
Included are the LPs and CDs that the Collegium recorded. Enjoy!

Collegium Musicum Wagneriensis 71
click here to listen to the album

Lieder und Tänze der Renaissance
click here to listen to the album

Songs and Dances of The Renaissance
click here to listen to the album

Collegium Musicum Wagneriensis Christmas Music
click here to listen to the album

Three Pieces played by Donald Cross
click here to listen to the album

Dracula Cassette 1985
Collegium Musicum Wagneriensis
click here to listen to the album


Dr. Cross playing "The Star Spangled Banner" on the harpsichord

Dr. Cross playing the harpsichord continuo in a performance by the Staten Island Symphony of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons - 1991

Dr. Cross Interview 1991 Harpsichord Today

Cassette 1A  Bach  French Suite #6  Dr. Cross, harpsichord soloist


Music of Loyset Compere, Wagner Collegium Concert--April 20, 1986


Collegium Summer Concert at St. Paul's Church  July 31, 1983


Collegium Concert--High Rock Park--August 1985


Wagner College Collegium Concert--Unitarian Church, March 8, 1986


Senior Recital by Jeff Dailey, bassoon. October 21, 1979. Robert Gallagher, accompanist.


Harpsichord Recital by Dr. Cross
Veterans' Hall, Snug Harbor
December 18, 1994
Music by Bach, Haydn, Purcell, Handel


Wagner College Collegium
Magic Musical Tour
September 29, 1985


Ronald Cross Harpsichord Recital
Unitarian Church
Music by Coelho, Lebegue, Zipoli, and music from Colonial America


Ronald Cross, Harpsichord Recital
Unitarian Church
March 6, 1993
Music of the German Baroque


Dracula Concert (undated)


Collegium Concert, probably Spring 1981
Program includes Taverner's Western Wynde Mass and Morley's "My Bonny Lass"


This is an analysis by Dr. Arnold Rosner of music by Alan Hovhaness, prepared for Dr. Cross,
who was preparing it for a recital. Dr. Rosner was a composer who wrote his doctoral
dissertation on Hovhaness' music. Side A is the analysis; side B is more musical examples.


Harpsichord Recital by Dr. Cross
Bruno Walter Auditorium, Lincoln Center Library
January 21, 1993
Music by Pipelare, Cornet, Zipoli, Clerambault, Bach (Prelude and Fugue #19 and 2nd English Suite)


Dr. Ronald Cross, Harpsichord Recital (All Bach)
Old John Street Methodist Church
May 19, 1993


Another Collegium performance from the 1976 tour.


Dr. Cross Christmas Eve Harpsichord Recital
Veterans' Hall, Snug Harbor
December 24, 1995


Brass Ensemble Concert


Susato: La Bataille played by instrumental ensemble


Wagner College Brass Ensemble May 11, 1985


Dr. Cross performing Christmas Organ Music 1976


Harpsichord Recital by Dr. Cross  


Excerpts from a different Dracula performance


A different performance recorded on tour in 1976


Wagner College Collegium Tour Performance 1976


Ronald Cross Harpsichord Recital--All Bach:
French Overture, 3 Chorale Preludes, Italian Concerto 4 Duetti


Christmas Eve 1989 Recital and Church Service


     Dr. Cross--Organ Recital, St. Anselm's Church, Brooklyn, March 18, 1990


Harpsichord Recital--Unitarian Church on Staten Island, April 1, 1995
Recital starts with two pieces by  Antonio Valente, followed by works of Haydn and Purcell.  It then  concludes with a sing-along of American songs from the 1890s.  Joe Cogan  is the narrator.


Organ Recital by Dr. Cross, May 3, 1992 at St. Anselm's Church, Brooklyn, NY


Harpsichord Recital by Dr. Cross, November 29, 1992 at Veterans' Hall, Snug Harbor
Pipelare, Cornet, Zipoli, Clerambault, Bach


Harpsichord Recital by Dr. Cross, June 6, 1993, Veterans' Hall, All Bach Program

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