PIPELARE - collegiummusicumwagneriensis.com

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Mattheus Pipelare was a composer who lived from approximately 1450 until approximately 1515.  Born in Louvain, he worked in various locations in northern Europe, writing a mixture of sacred and secular music.
Dr. Ronald Cross was the authority on Pipelare.  He wrote his dissertation on the composer for his PhD from New York University, and edited Pipelare's complete works for the American Institute of Musicology.
He also wrote two articles on Pipelare, which are contained on this page, along with a talk he gave entitled "Mattheus Pipelare--A Fresh Look," which he presented at a meeting of the Greater New York Chapter of the American Musicological Society on May 1, 2010.  
Additionally, there are a number of links to performances of Pipelare's music, all of which used Dr. Cross' edition as their source.
Credo de Sancto Johanne Evangelista

Ic weedt een molenarinne
Keyboard Intabulations
1. Fors seulement 2. Frolich wessen 3. Hic est vere martyr
Missa da Feria
Missa L’Homme Armé
Introduction to the Mass

Recording of mass
Three Instrumental Works
1. Ave Castissima 2. Morkin Ic Hebbe 3. Een Vrolic Wesen
Virga Tua
Sint Janskathedraal (St. John's Cathedral) in 's-Hertogenbosch, one of the churches in which Pipelare worked during his career.
Photo credit:
By Daan0416 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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