I remember going with Dr. Cross to the studio of radio station WQXR to record an episode of Campus Beat. This was radio show that explored the classical music tastes of college campuses in the area. This was probably in the spring of 1978. The show was broadcast on Saturday nights from 11 PM to 1 AM, and the host was Tony Rudel, who was the son of the General Manager of the New York City Opera, Julius Rudel. Each school sent two students and one faculty member, and the other student from Wagner was a woman from the student government who was clueless about music and who basically sat quiety through the taping. Dr. Cross deftly parried a question about the recent faculty strike at Wagner, and the discussion veered to early music, which was what the campus was known for. One piece they played was Dufay's "Se la face ay pale," which is one of the most beautiful works of music ever written. I don't remember what other music was played during the broadcast. Tony Rudel went on the become the general manager of a radio station in Boston. Some time after the taping, the program was broadcast on the radio, and there must be a tape of it somewhere.
Jeff S. Dailey
Class of 1980
One of most vivid memory I have of my collegium years (I have many) is our intensive and numerous recording sessions for our worldwide hit album! :)
It was a monumental amount of work and practice, but also fantastic fun with all of my dear friends and talented musicians.
Since we were recording 'live' in a church on Staten Island, one small mistake by any one of us or an out-of-tune cornetto resulted in a tremendous number of 'takes' for each piece - in many cases up to 30 go-rounds!
Our recording engineer was a gracious French guy named Chris Leplus, and what is emblazoned in my mind was his classic phrase that he uttered as encouragement at the beginning of EVERY single take: "THIS IS Z GOOD ONE!"
Even to this day I hear him saying it in my sleep!
John Rubino, Class of 1978
"My first experience with Wagner college was in 1981 when I was a senior in high school- I was invited to play in the Wagner College concert band as they did not have a tuba player at the time. I first met Dr. Cross in 1981 when I visited Wagner while investigating possible colleges to attend. He was warm, gracious and welcoming and I eventually ended up going to Wagner as a music major in 1982.
I had Dr. Cross for so many classes and all of them were riveting. I soon gained a love of early, renaissance and baroque music. I performed in the concert band and the brass ensemble. I almost became a Collegium member when at one point Dr. Cross tried to get me on the serpent, however my embouchure could not adapt to the smaller mouthpiece And I never pursued it.
After I left Wagner, I continued to participate in the brass ensemble as well as become Dr. Cross’ performance assistant as he toured the New York City area performing recitals on harpsichord.
After working with him for several years, I moved on to other things, however, was always able to get back to Wagner for a recital or two. Unfortunately, all those wonderful times became just memories when Dr. Cross passed on..."
Peter Blomstrom, Wagner College student (1982-1984)